Workshop on Climate Resiliency for Road Transport

Workshop on Climate Resiliency for Road Transport

In an effort to support developing nations with knowledge sharing on the importance of climate resiliency on transport infrastructure, we are pleased to offer a three-hour workshop for transport infrastructure engineers.

This workshop is designed to provide an introduction to the risks of climate change and how they impact transport infrastructure. Participants will be introduced to the principles of climate change, the vulnerability and risks associated wit a transport infrastructure network, and best-practice approaches to integrate into transport infrastructure projects to enhance their resiliency to climate change effects. The workshop will introduce drainage and water management approaches that are aimed at increasing he resiliency to an uncertain climate future. Tehniques that will be addressed include infrastructure technology (InfraTech) that can be used to capture pertinent data, proper drainage and catchment area analysis, pavement design principles, and approaches to produce more robust pavement assets. Ask extensive set of resources will be reviewed where participants can turn to access more information and learn about how best to manage transport infrastructure assets as we navigate an uncertain climate future. 

Course themes:

  1. Introduction to climate change and climate resiliency of transport infrastructure. 
  2. Climate vulnerability and risk assessments. 
  3. InfraTech and data acquisition and interpretation
  4. Best-practices for climate resiliency of transport infrastructure. 
  5. How to get more information. 
  6. Conclusions and questions. 

Course outcomes:

  • Define the vulnerability and risks of transport infrastructure assets, including bridges, culverts, drainage elements, and pavements. 
  • Understand pavement design parameters and their relevance to creating climate resilient designs. 
  •  Develop an understanding of how InfraTech can assist with the decision making process. 
  • Develop a set of road transport interventions that can be used to safeguard critical infrastructure from an uncertain climate future. 
  • Understand the need for forward-looking designs. 
  • Understand how to get more information related to the subject and what is needed to better estimate the resiliency of transport infrastructure networks/projects. 

Schedule a workshop

Reach out if you would like to schedule an online workshop for your department hosted by AnyWay’s Alex Campbell. 

Download the workshop brochure. 

Climate workshop thumbnail